Halo 5: Guardians beats Bond at the UK box office

One man, set against a shadowy conspiracy, with only his wits, his friends, a cool suit, and the best gadgets governmental slush funds can buy. OK, yes, I could be talking about Iron Man, or Batman, or Robocop, or awful Jackie Chan vehicle ‘The Tuxedo’, but I’m actually using this as a very clever comparison between the Halo and Bond series. Haha.

In another win for businesses who sell to bedrooms instead of cinemas, Microsoft has today revealed that Halo 5: Guardians outdid new Bond outing, Spectre at the UK box office on their respective opening days. The Xbox One title made £7.7m on day one, compared to Spectre’s £6.3m.

Does this mean people prefer aliens to bad Germans? Are we all hankering for Assault Rifles instead of dickie bows? I’m sure marketers across the globe are scrabbling for statistics as I type.

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