GR+ Live at SDCC 2015: Fallout 4 voice actress on the importance of imaginary friends

When the nuclear apocalypse comes for us all, Courtenay Taylor will have a head start on survival – because she is the voice of the female protagonist from Vault 111 in Bethesda’s post-apocalyptic RPG, Fallout 4 (opens in new tab). Don’t worry though, she’s bound to lend a helping hand. After all, Taylor has some valuable insight on being kind and compassionate – lessons she espouses as Starla on Regular Show.

GamesRadar+ caught up with the talented voice actress at San Diego Comic-Con 2015 (opens in new tab), and at the GR+ Loot Crate booth, we asked how she manages to keep up. The key takeaway (or at least what I’m going to say is the key takeaway) is that it helps to have friends, even if they’re imaginary ones. Check out the interview below to see what I mean:

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