George Lucas confirms negotiations for Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher and Harrison Ford for Star Wars:

George Lucas has provided the closest thing to official confirmation of Star Wars: Episode VII ‘s first casting news, by revealing that Carrie Fisher, Harrison Ford and Mark Hamill are all in the final stages of negotiation a return.

All three had been reported to be in discussions over the last few months, and now those same reports are coming straight from the horse’s mouth.

“We had already signed Mark and Carrie and Harrison,” says Lucas. “Or we were pretty much in final stages of negotiation. So I called them to say, ‘Look, this is what’s going on.’ Maybe I’m not supposed to say that.

“I think they want to announce that with some big whoop-de-do, but we were negotiating with them. I won’t say whether the negotiations were successful or not.”

Hmm, sounds like you already might have… Directed by J.J. Abrams, Star Wars: Episode VII will open in UK cinemas in 2015.

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