Fox reveals Fantastic Four and Daredevil reboot plans

20th Century Fox have set fanboy tongues wagging with a pair of new announcements concerning reboots for two of its superhero franchises, Fantastic Four and Daredevil .

Fantastic Four will be the first of the two to arrive, with Chronicle director Josh Trank set to begin production on the project after fellow Marvel offerings The Wolverine and X-Men: First Class 2 are up and running. A release date will be revealed in due course.

Meanwhile, the studio is also searching for a new director for the Daredevil reboot after David Slade dropped out of the hotseat. Scheduling problems were to blame for that exit, but a script is reportedly ready to go, with David James Kelly having performed the latest rewrite.

It’s exciting news for fans of both properties, with previous big-screen adaptations having fallen somewhere short of expectations. Trank is a particularly encouraging appointment, having shown an aptitude for all things super with his work on Chronicle , which brought a fresh perspective to the usual spandex-clad capering.

No casting has been confirmed as yet, but expect the wheels to begin turning on Fantastic Four now that a director is officially in place. Let the rumours and speculation commence!

About Fox

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