FIFA 20 chemistry styles cards aren’t merely a means of upgrading individual players – they can also be cashed in for serious coins on the transfer market. Pack a Hunter card in FIFA 20 and you’re looking at a resale value of 7,000 coins; handy dollar to put towards your endgame squad. But if you’re not looking to sell, what specifically does each card do when applied to one of your players? That’s what we’re here to tell you, in GR’s FIFA 20 chemistry styles guide.
What are FIFA 20 chemistry styles?
FIFA 20 chemistry styles buff the stats of your players in Ultimate Team. Before you apply them, you can see the values which will be upgraded, but there’s one thing to bear in mind: The higher chemistry that player is on in your squad, the better the boost will be. So a player on nine chemistry with a Shadow chemistry style will receive a bigger pace and defending boost than a player on six chemistry. Here are all of the FIFA 20 chemistry styles in the game:
FIFA 20 chemistry styles: Goalkeeper
WallWALDiving, Handling, KickingDIV: 2, HAN: 2, KIC: 2ShieldSLDKicking, Reflexes, SpeedKIC: 2, REF: 2, SPD: 2CatCATReflexes, Speed, PositioningREF: 2, SPD: 2, POS: 2GloveGLODiving, Handling, PositioningDIV: 2, HAN: 2, POS: 2FIFA 20 chemistry styles: Defence
SentinelSENDefending, PhysicalDEF: 3, PHY: 3GuardianGRDDribbling, DefendingDRI: 3, DEF: 3GladiatorGLAShooting, DefendingSHO: 3, DEF: 3BackboneBACPassing, Defending, PhysicalPAS: 2, DEF: 2, PHY: 2AnchorANCPace, Defending, PhysicalPAC: 2, DEF: 2, PHY: 2ShadowSHAPace, DefendingPAC: 3, DEF: 3FIFA 20 chemistry styles: Midfield
ArtistARTPassing, DribblingPAS: 3, DRI: 3ArchitectARCPassing, PhysicalPAS: 3, PHY: 3PowerhousePWRPassing, DefendingPAS: 3, DEF: 3MaestroMAEShooting, Passing, DribblingSHO: 2, PAS: 2, DRI: 2EngineENGPace, Passing, DribblingPAC: 2, PAS: 2, DRI: 2CatalystCTAPace, PassingPAC: 3, PAS: 3FIFA 20 chemistry styles: Attack
SniperSNIShooting, DribblingSHO: 3, DRI: 3DeadeyeEYEShooting, PassingSHO: 3, PAS: 3HawkHWKPace, Shooting, PhysicalPAC: 2, SHO: 2, PHY: 2MarksmanMRKShooting, Dribbling, PhysicalSHO: 2, DRI: 2, PHY: 2FinisherFINShooting, PhysicalSHO: 3, PHY: 3HunterHUNPace, ShootingPAC: 3, SHO: 3FIFA 20 review (opens in new tab) | FIFA 20 tips (opens in new tab) | FIFA 20 Volta tips (opens in new tab) | FIFA 20 Career Mode (opens in new tab) | FIFA 20 Pro Clubs tips (opens in new tab) | FIFA 20 patch notes (opens in new tab) | FIFA 20 ratings (opens in new tab) | FIFA 20 formations (opens in new tab) | FIFA 20 best teams (opens in new tab) | FIFA 20 icons (opens in new tab) | FIFA 20 Ones To Watch (opens in new tab) | FIFA 20 TOTW (opens in new tab) | FIFA 20 squad battles (opens in new tab) | FIFA 20 stadiums (opens in new tab) | FIFA 20 kits (opens in new tab) | FIFA 20 chemistry styles (opens in new tab) | FIFA 20 coins (opens in new tab) | FIFA 20 celebrations (opens in new tab) | FIFA 20 wonderkids (opens in new tab) | FIFA 20 loyalty glitch (opens in new tab) | FIFA 20 SBC solutions (opens in new tab) | FIFA 20 UCL cards (opens in new tab) | FIFA 20 web app tips (opens in new tab) | FIFA 20 vs PES 2020 comparison (opens in new tab) | FIFA 20 mods (opens in new tab)