FF X/X-2 HD Remaster and FF7 hit PS4 in spring

It was a bit of a shame that PS4 owners couldn’t get in on Final Fantasy X | X-2 HD Remaster (opens in new tab) when it released on PS3 and PS Vita in March 2014. Turns out Square Enix just needed a little bit more time to up-res the twinkle in Tidus’ eye (or something), because the company has announced that it will hit PS4 in spring 2015.

The remastered version of Final Fantasy VII that hit Steam last year will also release on PS4 around then as a $15.99/£12.99 downloadable. Both titles will include unspecified ‘system-exclusive features’.

Final Fantasy X | X-2 HD Remaster’s PS4 version will include all the same stuff players got on PS3 and PS Vita for $49.99 / £39.99: both the main game and its costume-swapping sequel, short film Eternal Calm, the boardgame-like Last Mission, and an audio drama set after the events of the series. Chances are slim that it will look too much better than the PS3 release, but hey, at least you won’t have to keep the old thing plugged in to get your Auron fix any more.

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