Exclusive new image from The Amazing Spider-Man 2

We’ve just gotten our hands on an exclusive (and slightly spoileriffic) new shot from The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (opens in new tab) , and it’s possibly the coolest image to come out of the sequel yet.

Seriously, though, if you don’t want to be spoiled, don’t scroll down…

Still here? OK, the image shows off Dane DeHaan as Harry Osborn, kitted out in his Green Goblin costume and overpowering Spidey (Andrew Garfield).

Frankly, DeHaan looks terrifying – and amazing.

The image comes courtesy of FindAnyFilm.com (opens in new tab) , which has teamed up with Sony Pictures for Moments Worth Paying For, an anti-piracy campaign being spearheaded by The Amazing Spider-Man 2 .

Watch the new action-packed Moments Worth Paying For trailer below…

It really gets across the sense of awe and wonder we’ll be experiencing when we watch the movie on a massive big screen, right where it should be.

And you can check out the exclusive new image right here…

(opens in new tab)

[Click the image above for a high-res version]

For more information about the Moments Worth Paying For campaign, head over to FindAnyFilm.com (opens in new tab) , which is also a resource for tracking down screenings and legal ways to watch the very best movies.

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 opens in the UK on 18 April 2014.

About Fox

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