Destinys new PS4-only strike makes the Vex scary again, (sort of) has CTF

How scary do the Vex look now that Destiny’s level cap has been raised to 40? This scary, basically. Sorry, I realise that you can’t see that, but I’m currently stretching my arms out really, really wide while making a pained expression with my face. You’ll just have to trust me on it. How am I typing this with my arms outstretched? Be quiet and keep reading.

Yep, once the most terrifying reveal in the original game thanks to that battle in the library on Venus, Destiny’s rampaging robo-race have lost some of their oppressive sheen over the last year, as Guardian power has blossomed and Vex power has stayed largely the same. But at level 36, pouring through the PS4-exclusive Echo Chamber strike in this weeks’ upcoming Taken King expansion (opens in new tab)? Yeah, it’s seat of the (slightly soiled) pants time again.

You can see how it all pans out as we play through the whole (25 minute) strike in the video above, but long story short, the Vex are a marauding army of faceless, high-impact Terminators again. And that’s brilliant. Better start retraining those gut-shots.

You’ll also see how The Taken King looks to be mixing up some of Destiny’s standard mission design elements, throwing in some interesting capture-the-flag style objectives, requiring one player to carry a relic between points while the rest of the team handle the covering fire. And make sure you stick around to the end to see the new boss, which is part flying submarine, part ethereal robo-squid.

Well I say ‘to the end’. Damn thing is so hard that the fight starts halfway through the video.

About Fox

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