Deadpool movie to start filming in March 2015

After what seems like an eternity of waiting, the Deadpool movie will finally go in front of cameras this March, with Ryan Reynolds in the lead role.

According to Global News, the film will be shot in Reynolds’ hometown of Vancouver, notable as the base for many other recent Fox productions, including last year’s X-Men: Days Of Future Past.

Directed by visual effects maestro Tim Miller, Deadpool looks set to atone for what many fans consider to be the poor treatment of the character in X-Men: Origins – Wolverine.

Early test footage for Miller’s film suggests the Merc with a Mouth will make it to the big screen with his snarky asides and bloody skirmishes intact, though it remains to be seen if Deadpool will receive the R-rating Stateside that it demands.

Meanwhile, producer Simon Kinberg recently revealed that Deadpool will tie in with the other X-Men movies.

“There’s definitely a sort of overall plan that we’ve all been talking about for the X-Men universe now,” he said, “and Deadpool obviously fits into that.”

Deadpool will open in cinemas on 12 February 2016.

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