Crisis Zone explores pandemic life through hit characters Megg, Mogg, and Owl

Megg, Mogg, and Owl writer/artist Simon Hanselmann has gone through the COVID-19 pandemic just like the rest of us, and has been using comics (and social media) as an outlet to talk about this ordeal. Hanselmann’s popular Instagram (opens in new tab) webcomics serial Crisis Zone (opens in new tab) is coming out in print this week, featuring the return of Megg, Mogg, and Owl, along with others such as Werewolf Jones and Dracula Junior – all dealing with life during a pandemic.

Check out this preview:

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(Image credit: Simon Hanselmann (Fantagraphics Books))

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Crisis Zone preview

(Image credit: Simon Hanselmann (Fantagraphics Books))

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(Image credit: Simon Hanselmann (Fantagraphics Books))

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(Image credit: Simon Hanselmann (Fantagraphics Books))

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(Image credit: Simon Hanselmann (Fantagraphics Books))

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(Image credit: Simon Hanselmann (Fantagraphics Books))

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You’ll probably see a little bit of yourself and your friends in Crisis Zone. From Mogg becoming a conspiracy theorist to Megg throwing herself into digital media to get away from it all, Crisis Zone covers almost all the bases – mixing comedy, action, horror, and a little bit of soap operatics.

Crisis Zone

(Image credit: Simon Hanselmann (Fantagraphics Books))

(opens in new tab)

Just as Hanselmann’s previous works were semi-autobiographical, Crisis Zone pulls directly from the writer/artist’s own experiences living in Seattle with his wife during the onset of the pandemic.

“Crisis Zone is (I’m told) the ultimate piece of pandemic art,” Hanselmann said when Fantagraphics announced this print edition. “You won’t find a better record of what went down in 2020. Nominated for the Harvey Award and Cartoonist Studio Prize and winner of the Eisner Award for ‘Best webcomic.’ Snubbed by the Pulitzer. Clowns! Big mistake!”

Crisis Zone was serialized on Hanselmann’s Instagram from March 13, 2020 to December 22, 2020, but this trade paperback edition includes not only the comics, but with added pages and scenes, and commentary from Hanselmann looking back at the series.

Crisis Zone goes on sale on August 18.

Crisis Zone is available in print, but also on digital platforms. Check out our recommended best digital comics readers.

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