Chris Hemsworth talks Thor 2

Thor: The Dark World will be one of the super-sequels leading Marvel’s Phase Two charge, and Chris Hemsworth has taken the time to inform fans that there will be a very different feel to the new movie.

“The look of the film is a lot bigger than what we did even previously,” says Hemsworth. “The first one worked and people loved it, but this is with a different director and just has a totally different feel. There’s a definite Game Of Thrones vibe thanks to [ director ] Alan [ Taylor ].

“We have six weeks to go to shoot. This is the trickiest bit, because you can go, ‘Oh, yeah, we’re past the halfway mark!’ which isn’t a good idea, because you’re not finished yet. You sort of get that second wind about now or you hope to and push on through.”

Meanwhile, Hemsworth also confirms that Jane Foster’s non-appearance in The Avengers will also be addressed.

““For Thor and Jane, there are some unanswered questions now, since obviously he didn’t stop in and catch up with her in Avengers . Thor might have some explaining to do in this one… There’s some fun to be had with that. And with Loki, we get down to the major bones of our conflict with everything that’s come from Thor to Avengers to now.”

Thor: The Dark World opens in the UK on 8 November 2013.

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