Chlo Grace Moretz says Kick-Ass 3 is unlikely to happen

Chloë Grace Moretz has been discussing the possibility of a third entry in the Kick-Ass franchise, and has described another sequel as unlikely after the second film’s disappointing box office take.

“Sadly, I think I’m done with the character,” says Moretz of her iconic role as Hit-Girl. “Hit-Girl was a very cool character, but I don’t think there will be any more movies.”

“You make these movies for the fanboys, but nowadays everyone seems to pirate them rather than watch them in the movie theatre. Kick-Ass 2 was one of the number-one pirated movies of the year, but that doesn’t help us because we need box office figures.”

“We need to prove to the distributors that we can make money from a third and a fourth movie – but because it didn’t do so well, we can’t make another one. If you want more than one movie, everyone has to go and see movies at the cinema. It’s all about the numbers in the theatre.”

Indeed, with the film only just scraping past the $60 million mark worldwide, it seems unlikely that we’ll see a third outing for Hit-Girl and co., but we’ll be keeping our fingers crossed nonetheless. After all, C-bomb spouting, pre-teen heroines don’t come along every day…

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