Cate Blanchett to play the Evil Stepmother in live-action Cinderella

Mark Romanek’s live-action version of Cinderella is on the brink of securing some big-name casting, with Cate Blanchett in talks to star as the Evil Stepmother.

If you’ll cast your mind back to the fairy story, you’ll recall it is she who keeps poor Cinders chained to her cooking and cleaning while the ugly sisters go out gallivanting.

It’s the first news we’ve heard about the project since Chris Weitz came on board to perform script rewrites earlier in the year, the first draft having been written by The Devil Wears Prada scribe, Aline Brosh McKenna.

While plot details are few and far between, we do know that the story will follow a prince being forced into a politically beneficial marriage, who finds himself head over heels after a chance encounter with Cinderella.

Blachett can certainly play icy when she wants to, and we’d say Disney have pulled off a clever piece of casting should the deal go through. Next up, some casting for Cinders herself. Chip in with your suggestions in the comments box below…

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