Captain America: Civil War starring anime girls is kawaii as hell

Here’s a superhero twist to brighten your day. Twitter user and artist Bin1 Productions has adapted Marvel’s Captain America: Civil War (opens in new tab) into a series of images replacing the main cast with adorable anime girls. Specifically, the girls from Bandai Namco’s Idolmaster games. It’s not animated, but the trailer Bin1 has created still sells me on this … unique take on the MCU: 

If you want to see more mash-ups that Bin1 has created, including a female Nick Fury and Thor, head on over to their Twitter (opens in new tab) page and official website (opens in new tab). While it’s admittedly a bit silly and funny to see our macho men and women turned into J-pop singers, it’s still undeniably high quality artwork. 

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 Now if only I could get Captain America-chan to notice me… She is so kawaii! 

About Fox

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