A man got arrested for hacking Microsoft, then hacked Nintendo…while he was on bail (and got arrested again)

Some people just don’t know when to quit. This fella is certainly one of them, as after he was arrested for hacking into Microsoft and stealing 43,000 files and then put on bail, do you know what he did? He went and hacked into Nintendo too. Wow. I mean, he’s persistent, I’ll give him that, but someone needs to have a serious talk with this man and find out why, oh dear god why he didn’t stop after successfully getting into Microsoft. What’s even more incredulous is that this guy was a security researcher. If you ask me, testing security by hacking into places takes dedication to the job to a whole new level. 

The Verge (opens in new tab) reports that Zammis Clark was a 24 year-old security researcher who hacked into both Microsoft and Nintendo’s networks. Although he was arrested in June 2017 for breaking into Microsoft, evidently he hadn’t had his fill, as in March 2018 – less than a year later – he was found to have broken in Nintendo’s private game development networks by using VPNs… while he was on bail. It took Nintendo almost three months to discover the intrusion, and in that time Clark had stolen about 2,365 usernames and passwords. Because obviously he hadn’t learnt his lesson from the whole Microsoft debackle. All in all, Nintendo thinks the security breach cost them somewhere between almost $1 million and $1.8 million in damages, and Microsoft think it cost them around $2 million. Ouch. 

If you’re not into hacking, here’s the best RPG games (opens in new tab) you can play right now, or look below to see the games you have to keep an eye out for in 2019!

About Fox

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