Wonder Woman shows “how we fail, and how we can be better” says artist Mikel Janin

July 28’s Wonder Woman #759 (opens in new tab) marks the beginning of a new era with Supergirl Being Super’s Mariko Tamaki (opens in new tab) and Batman’s Mikel Janín starting their run on the iconic character. Wonder Woman is picking up the pieces from her battle with the Four Horsewomen, all while a familiar threat waits for her on the horizon – but as an ally: Maxwell Lord. Diana really can’t catch a break, can she? 

(Image credit: David Marquez (DC))

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Before Wonder Woman #759 goes on sale, Newsarama spoke with artist Mikel Janín. We discuss how the opportunity to work on the character came about, what new villains and character designs fans can look forward to, and what makes working on Wonder Woman and Batman surprisingly similar. 

Newsarama: Mikel, to jump right in, how did the opportunity to draw Wonder Woman come about? 

Mikel Janín: There was a previous chance of working on Wonder Woman some time ago, but I was busy with Batman, and it couldn’t be. 

Still, I’ve always loved the character and when the opportunity came again, timing was perfect, so I was super happy that I finally could take on the character. It was great to work with Mariko Tamaki, Jordie Bellaire, and the rest of the team.

(Image credit: Mikel Janín/Jordie Bellaire (DC))

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Nrama: With this new volume of Wonder Woman how did you want to make this iconic character your own?

Janín: We had a bit more time than usual, which allowed me to do some character studies, which definitely went in favor of the book. Of course, there have been so many talented artists doing it right that you don’t want to mess with what’s already working. I got some inspiration from artists like Nicola Scott, José Luis García López, or Mark Brooks, as well as Gal Gadot’s movie version. 

You can’t be wrong with those references.

(Image credit: Mikel Janín/Jordie Bellaire (DC))

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Nrama: What’s been your favorite aspect of drawing the character thus far? 

Janín: I love that she’s so powerful, so strong, and yet so human. So, you get a lot of expressions from her, no matter if she’s fighting parademons or helping a neighbor, she always shows her humanity and compassion along with her determination and strength. 

And, of course, I love drawing her fabulous hair!

(Image credit: Mikel Janín/Jordie Bellaire (DC))

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Nrama: We’ve been teased that there will be new villains introduced – tell us about the new designs you’ve come up for these villains and any other characters.  

Janín: Well, we have Max Lord, who’s an old foe of Diana’s, and we have an amazing new character that I can’t say much yet about, but she’ll be very important in future issues. 

I had the opportunity of doing the designs and it was a lot of fun. And a bunny, we have a bunny, which is always great.

Nrama: Comparing your work on DC’s other iconic hero, Batman – are there any similarities you can draw from working on these two very different franchises?

Janín: Sure there are, at first sight they’re very different, Batman is all about shadows, while Wonder Woman is bright and luminous. 

But they both inhabit a universe that has a foot in the real world and the other one in fantasy. They both are idealized god-like versions of humans. And they both are surrounded by other characters, friends and enemies, that make them stand, and by contrast, they show how we fail, and how we can be better, inspired by them.

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