Tag Archives: Wonder Woman

JLA/Avengers reprint to honor George Pérez gets a release date

The legendary crossover limited series JLA/Avengers is finally being reprinted after years of unavailability. There’s just one catch, though; the new edition, released through the Hero Initiative on Wednesday, March 16 in cooperation with DC and Marvel Comics to honor its artist George Pérez, will be limited to 7,000 copies.  …

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Wonder Woman Trial of the Amazons #1 preview

Wonder Woman has spent the last few years reclaiming her crown as one of DC’s flagship heroes, with a whole line of spin-off titles and characters now joining her on the page.  A significant portion of Wonder Woman’s rise to glory has centered on her home of Themiscyra and Wonder …

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The DC Universe in 2022 explained

DC is now well into its current ‘Infinite Frontier’ status quo, in which every story that has ever been told in a DC comic is considered to be canon in some way, shape, or corner of the Multiverse – or should we say, ‘Omniverse.’ Infinite Frontier was also the name …

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DC March 2022 solicitations

It might be a few days from the official start of winter, but in comic book terms it’s the beginning of spring as DC just released its March 2022 solicitations and cover images.  What has DC planned for lion-lamb month? How about the finale of Batman’s face-off with Lex Luthor …

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DCs new Wonder Girl gets her own series in May

DC’s Future State Wonder Woman Yara Flor is continuing on after the forward-looking event concludes in a previously announced series from writer/artist Joëlle Jones, exploring Yara’s history as Wonder Girl – and now DC has unveiled new details of the Wonder Girl title, including when it’ll release.  Wonder Girl #1 …

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