Tag Archives: Why I Love

Why I Love: Climbing towers in video games

If you’re playing an open-world Ubisoft game, there’s a good chance you’ll be climbing some buildings. Whether you’re ascending the greatest architecture in Italy, destroying the radio in a series of barricaded towers run by a despotic dictator, or clambering up nondescript Chicago buildings and hacking into the ctOS mainframe, …

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Why I Love: Getting swallowed whole in games

Bonk’s Adventure for the long lost TurboGrafx-16 system has it all. Googly-eyed flowers you can hit in the face with your face. Haunches of meat that give you powers, provided you’re a caveman baby. Dreamy dinosaur boxers. For a game that can be finished in half an hour, it’s impressively …

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Why I Love: Ordering a pizza in EarthBound

It’s such a simple thing. You’re hungry, and whether you’ve had a really long day at work or you’re just feeling particularly lazy, you want to exert as little possible effort to get food into your mouth. So you pick up the phone and call (or, more accurately, press a …

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