Tag Archives: Survival Horror

The perfect horror game, torn apart and reassembled

Games are a tough medium for horror (opens in new tab). Giving the audience some measure of control over the action takes the power out of the hands of the creator. It means less creative control over tempo and atmosphere and more opportunities for the audience to break up the …

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Yes, Resident Evil 7 still has zombies of some kind

Resident Evil 7 (opens in new tab) portends big changes for the 20-year-old horror franchise, but there’s one element that it just can’t get rid of: zombies. Capcom showed off some of the photo-scanning technology it’s using to build the game’s VR-ready world at the CEDEC conference in Yokohama, Japan …

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Caught Up: everything is scary in Among the Sleep

This week on Caught Up we’re examining our nightmarish existance as an itty, bitty baby in Among the Sleep on PS4. Our own Dave Meikleham called this game “a curious, frightful take on childhood trauma that whips up scares from the most seemingly mundane sources.” Hey, when you’re a little …

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I Got Next: How real are the ghosts in Fatal Frame?

Deep in the darkest corner of Fatal Frame’s abandoned villages, a disturbing thought blooms in your mind: what if there really are ghosts? What if monsters are real? What if outside right now, far away from the glowing light of this very fictional video game in our comfortably warm homes, …

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Uncharted needs to be more like Until Dawn

I like Nathan Drake. Nathan Drake is fun. As video game portmanteaus of existing film and TV action heroes go, he’s by far my favourite. Marcus Fenix might be more imposing, and Master Chief more stoically capable, but Drake’s human, self-effacing megamix of Ford, Fillian and Russell wins it for …

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Want a new PT? Youd better back the Allison Road Kickstarter

You may remember that we’re very excited about Allison Road (opens in new tab), the unintentional spiritual successor to PT (i.e. the most gut-tighteningly terrifying horror game of all time). Made by a first-director and his new-found team, Lilith Ltd., the game aims to capture the uncanny realism of the …

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