Tag Archives: PS Vita

PS Vita app guide

The PS Vita is more than a super-powered handheld with a pretty OLED screen. That’s its main job, sure, but it only takes a quick tour of the Vita’s LiveArea to see there’s a lot more running underneath the hood. Ready to unlock the full power of Sony’s all-purpose gaming …

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PS Vita sales decline in Japan, 3DS reigns supreme

The PS Vita continues to struggle overseas, according to the latest weekly sales totals from Japanese firm Media Create. The report, which covers video game sales from April 9 to April 15, showed Sony’s handheld in fourth place behind its predecessor, the PlayStation Portable, and the week’s big winner, Nintendo’s …

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Sony: Games are still #1 priority on Vita

Sony’s PlayStation Vita comes into a very different world than its original PSP joined. Mobile technology and increasingly digital-driven multimedia, not to mention social media, cloud-based gaming and all the other buzzwords getting between joypads and screens, have changed the gaming landscape, and the company’s focus on connectivity and networking …

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