Tag Archives: Overwatch

Destiny 2s Iron Banner has an Overwatch Easter egg

A fun little Destiny 2 (opens in new tab) Easter egg pays tribute everyone’s favorite Overwatch (opens in new tab) edgelord. Reddit (opens in new tab) user crissyronaldo92 noticed that one of the things Lord Saladin can say to you when you get the “We Ran Out Of Medals” medal …

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Overwatch, Orisa, and cool tanks

Character fantasy has always been one of Blizzard’s best design strengths. Across all of its titles, from the nimble demon hunters of Diablo to the element-wielding shamans in World of Warcraft, the Blizzard teams have an uncanny ability to put you into not just the shoes, but also the body …

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18 signs you’re playing too much Overwatch

This is an intervention. Yes, Overwatch is one of the most fun and delightful team-based shooters to grace our consoles in years. But it’s important to set some boundaries. With a game this prone to delivering zany moments and last-minute victories, it’s easy for “Just one or two matches” to …

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