Tag Archives: Justice League (movie)

Why DC needs to stick with Zack Snyder after Justice League

There’s no getting away from it: Zack Snyder is a polarising figure. Worshipped by a vocal section of the internet, his movies – Batman v Superman, Man of Steel, 300, Watchmen – have been met with a mixed critical reception, often ending up more ridiculed than revered. All it takes …

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Jared Leto will play Joker in Zack Snyders Justice League

Zack Snyder’s Justice League, AKA the Snyder Cut, is adding Jared Leto’s Joker into the ongoing reshoots of the 2017 superhero movie. Per The Hollywood Reporter (opens in new tab), Leto joins Ben Affleck (Batman), Ray Fisher (Cyborg), and Amber Heard (Mera) in filming new scenes for Snyder’s definitive version …

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Justice League actors team up to get the Snyder Cut released

The saga of the Justice League (opens in new tab) Snyder Cut has taken a surprising turn with Batman, Wonder Woman (opens in new tab), and Cyborg actors each tweeting out their approval for the alternate version’s release on its second anniversary. This, in turn, led to #ReleaseTheSnyderCut trending worldwide …

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