Tag Archives: Far Cry 2

10 best Far Cry games of all-time, ranked

The best Far Cry games have impacted so many other series, that it’s only when you stop and take stock that you truly appreciate the significance of their impact. So many features that we take for granted in the FPS space today were born from Far Cry over the years …

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Far Cry 2 works so well because its broken

Back in 2008, before the Far Cry series ascended to the heights of recent efforts, things weren’t so rosy. The Africa-set Far Cry 2 split critics and fans alike, most notably because it was teensy bit broken. Okay, it was quite a bit broken, but it turns out all that …

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Top 7… horrendously buggy games we loved anyway

Tsk. Bugs, eh. In games. Nothing worse. They’re not meant to be there. But sometimes they are and that’s where they stay until Mr Developer stops fiddling with his massive beard and decides to do something about it. And he always does something about it because he knows otherwise gamers …

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