I Got Next: Learn how to play Street Fighter from a pro

Street Fighter 5 is so close, you can almost taste it. Bearded Ryu! Old Man Dhalsim! It’s going to be brutal, brilliant, and invigorating for the Street Fighter faithful. Here’s the problem: it’s hard to break into Street Fighter if you’re not one of those faithful. Street Fighter 4 did a lot to open the game back up to new players, but after six years the barrier of entry has built back up. We need a pro to show us how it’s done!

Enter Darryl “Snake Eyez” Lewis, pro Street Fighter player and Zangief savant. Taking time out from starring in his Redbull video series Cultivation and after ranking 12th in the Capcom Cup standings, Snake Eyez is joining us for an instructive session of video game brawling. If you need to tune up before Street Fighter 5 arrives, join us at 3:30PM ET/12:30PM PT.

Dig the show? We’re here four days a week, Monday through Thursday so make sure to follow our Twitch channel! When are we live? Here’s our schedule:

Monday: Caught Up 6:30PM – 8PM ET/3:30PM – 5PM PT Maxwell McGee and company take you inside the world of gaming this week, playing what’s new and discussing everything that’s happening in the news.

Tuesday: I Got Next 3:30PM – 5PM ET/12:30PM – 2PM PT Anthony John Agnello hangs out with fascinating folks from every walk of life, playing their favorite games. This is you chance to chat with creators from the world of music, film, comics, and everything else under the sun.

Wednesday: Departure Lounge 6:30PM – 8PM ET/3:30PM – 5PM PT Sometimes you just look at a game and wonder: what in the f*&% is that?! Hosts Ludwig Kietzmann, Ashley Reed, and the rest of the GR+ crew check out gaming’s strangest treasures.

Thursday: How It’s Done 4:30PM – 6PM ET/1:30PM – 3PM PT Arthur C. Clarke said that any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. Maybe that’s why video games seem so remarkable. We meet with the creators of the best games to demystify the process.

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