Best Shots review – Future State: Robin Eternal #1 one for the Tim Drake faithful

Tim Drake and Stephanie Brown rage against the Magistrate in Future State: Robin Eternal #1 (opens in new tab), a high-octane drug run through Gotham that pairs strong character moments with a weak plot and atmospheric artwork.

Future State: Robin Eternal #1 credits

Written by Meghan Fitzmartin
Art by Eddy Barrows, Eber Ferreira, and Adriano Lucas
Lettering by Pat Brosseau
Published by DC
‘Rama Rating: 6 out of 10

Writer Meghan Fitzmartin sets the tone of future Gotham as she leads Tim Drake on a simple race to disrupt a shipment of Lazarus Resin. Bringing back a member of We Are Robin provides some fun moments, but one particularly sloppy plot moment neuters that momentum. When a wanted felon can openly search through a fascist police state’s computer system in an open office, you’ve got to wonder if the Magistrate really is competent enough to take over Gotham. 

Future State: Robin Eternal #1

(Image credit: DC)

(opens in new tab)

Still, there’s lots to like in the interactions between Tim, Darcy, and Spoiler. The snappy pace makes this first half of this two-part limited series a breeze to read. Fitzmartin doesn’t shy away from sound effects either, which add a real sense of kinetic energy and are brought to vivid life by letterer Pat Brosseau.

Eddy Barrows’ heavily textured approach fits the generally gritty atmosphere, but his realistic style leads to a couple of unintentionally amusing facial expressions. Ultimately, he finishes strong with a killer last page, enriched by Adriano Lucas’s atmospheric use of glowing green and orange.

With high moments and low, Future State Robin Eternal #1 is one for the Tim Drake faithful.

Of course, Tim Drake is one of the best incarnations of Robin.

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