Dungeon Hunter: Alliance review

If Gameloft expects us to play a console port of an iPhone game that’s normally enjoyed in five minute increments while sitting on the toilet, then they damn well better make it worth the increased price. Too bad that can’t be said of Dungeon Hunter: Alliance. Sure, for $12.99, PS3 owners can get a decent cure for their dungeon-crawling itch, but what may work great on the small screen loses all of its charm when splayed across a 47” LCD.

Dungeon Hunter: Alliance is a PS3 remake of the first (and worst) Dungeon Hunter on the iOS platform, an isometrically viewed action-rpg featuring classic staples like random loot, blue mana, and completely forgettable plotlines. Predictably, you’ll assume the role of a warrior, rogue, or mage, (sorry ladies, Gameloft only allows male protagonists here) and mow down level after level of enemies gathering experience to distribute amongst your bank of special moves.

What’s disappointing and perhaps even insulting is that this HD adaptation is actually a worse game overall than Dungeon Hunter 2 for iOS, in that it feels slower and looks far less vibrant. You’ll immediately notice that Alliance’s graphics are at least a generation behind the PS3, as evidenced by the completely static faces and outdated textures. So what exactly does this game offer that its iOS brothers don’t?

Above: It’s the return of the N64 era GoldenEye block-hands!

For one, the game features full PlayStation Move support. Players can use the motion controller in a fashion not unlike a PC mouse, making the desk to couch transition seamless for those who prefer the classic Diablo style controls of point & click. Thankfully, waggling is completely optional. If you don’t own Move though, don’t worry. You’ll still be able to experience the game’s most redeeming aspect – multiplayer.

Up to four players can play cooperatively, whether it’s locally on a single screen or across PSN. The game allows anyone to join at any moment simply by pressing start, and the difficulty and loot quality adapt to the number of players on screen. It’s fun to have some friends alongside to utilize the class skills designed to support allies, and even when there are multiple fireballs and vortexes raging across the screen the frame rate remains steady, marking the game’s only real use of the PS3’s power.

Above: “I think I’m winning!”

Like a fast food burger, Dungeon Hunter: Alliance is a generic mishmash of tasty ingredients that crudely satiates your appetite, but it’s nothing particularly special. Though unfortunately, at $12.99, it’s definitely not on the value menu.

Apr 20, 2011

About Fox

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