How to trigger Destiny 2 Heroic Public Events

Destiny 2 Heroic Public Events can be triggered by completing a secret objective to get a bit of bonus loot compared to usual Public Event completions. You’ll get Rare gear, lots of Glimmer, Destination materials, and the odd Legendary for your efforts, so while they’re not great sources of high level loot, they’re good for getting those basic resources while out on patrol. There are lots of these Public Events, and each one is made Heroic in a unique way, so we’ve got all the information you need on how to trigger Destiny 2 Heroic Public Events, including the new Witch Queen Throne World event. 

Destiny 2 public events on map

(Image credit: Bungie)

Make sure you check your map for Public Event icons to see incoming Public Events and how much time you’ve got until the event starts. Get there before it begins and you’ll be able to rally to the Public Event banner, which’ll max out all your ammo and ability energy, including your Super. Make sure you loot the chest at the end of the Public Event before you move onto the next one to get your loot! 

All Destiny 2 Heroic Public Events

Glimmer Extraction Heroic Public Event

Destiny 2 Heroic Public Events

(Image credit: Bungie)

Locations: EDZ, Cosmodrome, Nessus, and Europa

Fallen foes will appear across three different Glimmer extraction sites during this Public Event and you just need to clear out all three sites to complete the event normally. 

To make it Heroic, look out for the little generator-like objects that spawn after you kill the first wave of enemies at each extraction site. You need to destroy three in total – one at each site – to up this Public Event to Heroic difficulty. These little generators have a surprising amount of health and you won’t have long to destroy them so make sure you focus on them as soon as they appear. Any generators that don’t get destroyed, will reappear at the next extraction site, so you’ll get more chances to destroy the generators to make the event Heroic, even if you miss them.

Destiny 2 Heroic Public Events

(Image credit: Bungie)

Making the event Heroic will destroy the final extraction site, leaving a pile of Glimmer on the ground that must be secured by standing in the circles until it reaches 100%. At the same time, lots of Fallen enemies will be coming to get you.

Ether Resupply Heroic Public Event

Destiny 2 Heroic Public Events

(Image credit: Bungie)

Locations: EDZ, Nessus, the Moon, and Europa

This is one of the easiest Public Events in Destiny 2 and you just have to destroy the massive Servitor to beat it. Luckily, making it Heroic isn’t much harder. Once the Servitor reaches about 50% health, it’ll spawn three smaller Servitors at once. Destroy these Servitors as quickly as possible to anger the big Servitor enough to make the event Heroic. We don’t know the exact timing but killing all three smaller Servitors in less than 15 seconds should be enough. 

Weapons Exchange Heroic Public Event

Destiny 2 Heroic Public Events

(Image credit: Bungie)

Locations: EDZ and the Moon

Simply destroy the Fallen Arsenal Walker to complete this Public Event. You can make it Heroic by depositing an Arc charge into each of the six receivers that power the blue bubble shields protecting some Scorch Cannons in the area – there are three of these shields and each one has two receivers. You can get Arc charges by destroying one of the Fallen Walker’s legs to temporarily disable it, causing it to spit out three charges at once. Deposit those charges, disable the Walker again to get the next three charges, and finally deposit those to make the event Heroic. This’ll cause a second Walker to get dropped in, and you’ll need to destroy both within the time limit to complete the event.

Cabal Excavation Heroic Public Event

Destiny 2 Heroic Public Events

(Image credit: Bungie)

Locations: EDZ and Nessus

Completing this Public Event normally just requires you to capture the Cabal drill, but you’ll need to destroy a Cabal ship to make it Heroic. At around 30% capture progress, a Thresher will appear and fly around the area, eventually settling near the drill to fire a few cannon blasts at you, then it’ll fly off. Destroy the Thresher before it can get away, and you’ll make the event Heroic, summoning a Cabal boss to crash down nearby. Defeat the boss and the Destiny 2 Heroic Public Event will be over. If you don’t manage to destroy the Thresher, it’ll come back at around 60% progress but that will be your final chance to destroy it.

Injection Rig Heroic Public Event

Destiny 2 Heroic Public Events

(Image credit: Bungie)

Locations: EDZ and Nessus

For this Destiny 2 Heroic Public Event, you need to complete things normally by defeating all the Elite Cabal Psions (they have yellow health bars) and other enemies, but you also need to destroy some vents. The Injection Rig has three tiers of three vents that open after defeating an Elite Psion, and to make the event Heroic, you’ll need to destroy one vent on each tier, starting from the top. 

After defeating an Elite Psion, don’t evacuate the Rig’s orange shield dome and instead stay inside and shoot one of the three vents at the Rig’s top section – it’ll stop glowing orange and will spout smoke once it has been destroyed. Repeat this after each Psion is killed for the Rig’s middle section, and finally the bottom section. Be aware that only one of the three vents on the Rig’s bottom section will open. With all vents destroyed, you’ll trigger Heroic difficulty and will just need to defeat the Cabal boss to complete the event. 

Disrupt Vex Construction Heroic Public Event

Destiny 2 Heroic Public Events

(Image credit: Bungie)

Locations: Nessus and Europa

During this Public Event, you’ll notice three white beams shooting out from the central spire. Each beam links to an invisible capture plate that is only revealed when you get close to it. Trigger Heroic difficulty for this Public Event by capturing all three plates within the time limit – you still need to defend the spire from Vex sacrifices like the normal event, which is tough to do since the plates are quite far from the spire. 

Once all three plates have been captured, the Vex will throw everything they’ve got at you, including more powerful Harpies, Minotaurs, and now Hydras. Survive for the full time limit to complete the Heroic event and get the extra loot.

Taken Blight Heroic Public Event

Destiny 2 Heroic Public Events

(Image credit: Bungie)

Locations: EDZ and the Dreaming City

To make the Taken Blight Public Event Heroic, you need to avoid destroying the blight domes! Instead, enter and exit these domes to get a buff called Blight Receding. The buff lasts for five seconds and lets you damage the big blight ball that hovers in the air. Damage the big blight as much as you can while avoiding the Taken enemies. The blight can also move so be sure to follow it. 

Once you’ve damaged the blight enough to destroy it, the Heroic event will trigger and a Taken boss will appear, so kill the boss to complete the event. This is arguably one of the most annoying Public Events to make Heroic, and don’t be fooled into thinking that making it Heroic is random!

Warsat Down Heroic Public Event

Destiny 2 Heroic Public Events

(Image credit: Bungie)

Locations: The Moon and the Cosmodrome

To make this a Destiny 2 Heroic Public Event, you need to destroy the three Hive Shriekers that surround the Warsat. Each Shrieker is immune to all damage but also won’t attack until a pair of Wizards are defeated. Destroy the Shrie the Wizards to make one of the Shriekers vulnerable, destroy the Shrieker that becomes vulnerable after the Wizards are dead, then carry on with the event normally until the next pair of Wizards spawns and so on. Destroy all three Shriekers before you fully capture the Warsat and you’ll trigger the Heroic event, causing a giant Ogre boss to spawn in. Slay it to end the event.

Witches’ Ritual Heroic Public Event

Destiny 2 Heroic Public Events

(Image credit: Bungie)

Location: Moon and Savathun’s Throne World

Within the area of this Public Event, you’ll find two plates with Hive plates on the ground. Stand on them like normal to bring down the shields of the two Wizards, then defeat the Wizards. As you prepare for the incoming Hive, stand on the plates again to lower the shields on two purple crystals that are high up and between a plate and the portal frame. Destroy both crystals to start the Heroic Public Event, then wipe out everything that comes through the portal.

Rift Generator Heroic Public Event

Destiny 2 Heroic Public Events

(Image credit: Bungie)

Location: The Dreaming City

During this Public Event, waves of scorn will swarm the Rift Generator. At the end of each wave, you’ll spot a Taken blight spawn over the shoreline. Destroy all three of the blights when they appear and a Giant Blight will spawn over the Rift Generator alongside three Taken Wizards. Defeat the Wizards before the generator is destroyed and you’ll be absorbed into the Ascendant Realm for the Heroic Public Event.

Ether Ritual Heroic Public Event

Destiny 2 Heroic Public Events

(Image credit: Bungie)

Location: The Dreaming City and Savathun’s Throne World

At the start of this Public Event, you’ll notice a destroyed Servitor and lots of Scorn spawning around it. Seek the first Scorn Chieftain and then destroy all of the blue Ether spheres that slowly fly towards the destroyed Servitor. Repeat this for the next two Chieftains that spawn to make this a Destiny 2 Heroic Public Event. 

It seems like there’s a bit of leniency in that you don’t have to destroy every single drop of Ether, but aiming to get them all is definitely the best approach. Once the event is Heroic, destroy all the Scorn, including the big boss that will appear.

Crux Convergence Beyond Light Heroic Public Event

Destiny 2 heroic public events crux convergence drones

(Image credit: Bungie)

Location: Europa

Once you’ve got this Public Event up and running, the first of three Darkness Cruxes will spawn in and you’ll need to stand underneath to capture it. To trigger the Heroic Public Event, you need to destroy the trio of scanner drones that fly around each Crux. These drones are hard to hit and don’t hang around for long so speed is key. Once you’ve destroyed the first set of drones, carry on with the event normally until the next Crux spawns in, then destroy the drones on that Crux, and so on. Once you’ve cleared all drones from the three Cruxes, the Heroic event will start and a mega Brig known as the “Fallen Commodore” will drop in. Take it down, along with all the smaller Brigs if you haven’t already, to get your Heroic loot.

Resonant Splinter Witch Queen Heroic Public Event

Destiny 2 Heroic Public Events

(Image credit: Bungie)

Locations: Savathun’s Throne World

New with Destiny 2 The Witch Queen and exclusive to Savathun’s Throne World, the Resonant Destruction Public Event sees you escorting a bit of Darkness Pyramid technology – a Resonant Splinter – across a portion of the Throne World. To make it Heroic, you need to pick up Resonant Charges dropped by certain Scorn enemies and throw them at the Splinter. Hit the Splinter with all six charges and you’ll trigger the Heroic Public Event and extra Scorn bosses to spawn.

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