Deadpool director Tim Millers Kitty Pryde spinoff is not happening

Tim Miller’s Kitty Pryde movie is probably never happening. The director of the first Deadpool sat down to talk about his latest flick, Terminator: Dark Fate, with (opens in new tab) when he was asked about possibly working with Marvel Studios on future projects. Earlier in the year, before Disney bought 20th Century Fox, the rumor mill was turning with the story that Miller would be directing a Kitty Pryde solo movie. It now seems that times have changed.

“I love the X-Men,” Miller says, “I don’t expect Marvel to call me and say ‘Come do the X-Men’ so I’m not waiting for that. I was really excited about my Kitty Pryde movie. F**k, I love that movie. It’ll never happen now.” The Disney/Fox merger likely led to the movie’s cancellation, as every other X-Men spin-off, including a third Deadpool and Channing Tatum’s Gambit, has been put on hold. 

Miller had tapped comic book writer Brian Michael Bendis (New Avengers, Daredevil) to pen the screenplay for the untitled Kitty Pryde film, which was operating under the working title “143,” a nod to the 1981 comic titled Uncanny X-Men #143. In that comic, the demon N’Garai attacks a mostly empty X-Mansion during the Christmas holidays, but Kitty (who is Jewish) pulls a move straight from Alien and burns it to hell with the Blackbird’s jet engines. 

While we probably won’t get a Kitty Pryde spin-off film, we have seen her on the big screen before, appearing in the first two X-Men movies as minor roles, before Ellen Page took over for X-Men: Last Stand. There’s currently no word on whether the Kitty Pryde film will be rescued, though, with Marvel Phase 4 (opens in new tab) looking full, chances are the movie has been abandoned for good. 

Many people consider the Disney/Fox merger a bad deal. You know what isn’t? Our Black Friday game deals 2019 (opens in new tab). 

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