
This War of Mine: The Little Ones review

Dear diary, I’m currently dying in a warzone, but I’ll try to keep this light. I actually ate a meal today. It was raw, and it’s not exactly ‘digesting’, but things are looking up. Now all I miss is a bed, friends, heating, safety, electricity, fun, joy, happiness and videogames. …

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Life is Strange review

Being a teenager can be rough, and I’m not saying that in the facetious way adults sometimes do. You’re experiencing a lot of things for the first time – some of them complete crap – and it can feel like your greatest talent is screwing stuff up. Developer Dontnod tries …

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Doctor Who “The Husbands Of River Song” review

Feel the whiplash. It’s less than three weeks since series nine of Doctor Who climaxed in bold, brilliant, bruising style with the two-punch of “Heaven Sent” and “Hell Bent”. The BBC’s decision to delay this year’s run of episodes means we’ve barely had a chance to breathe after our journey …

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The Revenant review

Survival special… “Revenge is in the creator’s hands,” real-life frontiersman Hugh Glass is told midway through Alejandro G. Iñárritu’s extraordinary wilderness drama. It’s this feeling of vengeance that boils inside Glass (Leonardo DiCaprio) throughout much of this two-and-a-half-hour epic – and little wonder. Mauled by a bear, left for dead …

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Bloodborne: The Old Hunters DLC review

Bloodborne (opens in new tab)’s defining quality is that it gives you the barest scraps of just about anything you desperately want. From level-bumping blood echoes to the barest hints about what’s wrong with this place, it never feels like you get enough, which makes them feel incredibly precious. The …

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Rise of the Tomb Raider review

Rise of the Tomb Raider has many faces. It’s a third-person shooter, online leaderboard chaser, Ubisoft-esque collectible hunter, vintage environmental puzzler, 3D platformer, MGS5-rivalling stealth game, and a squirrel murdering simulator, all delivered with the visual flair of a Hollywood blockbuster. You’re spoilt rotten at every turn and it’s remarkable …

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Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 review

The high-tech battlefields of 2065 may be dominated by cybernetic implants, but your greatest weapon is still the soldier by your side. Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 is a bombastic shooter that perfectly preserves the split-second, hair-trigger gunplay of its predecessors. What’s different this time around is that every …

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The Walking Dead season 6 episode 2 JSS review

After that strong (if over-long) first episode, The Walking Dead impresses again with a seriously taut and exciting instalment that delivers on the looming threat of the Wolves, while also finding time for some potent character beats. It looks great too, with fantastic direction from Jennifer Lynch. The flashback, which …

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Elite: Dangerous review (Xbox One version)

There are no other games on Xbox that offer as much intoxicating freedom or are quite so amazingly big as Elite: Dangerous. Having started life as a PC game, it’s remarkable how well this has made the transition to console. Its galaxy is a dizzyingly huge, scientifically accurate replica of …

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NBA 2K16 review

NBA 2K16 is what all sports games should aspire to be. Not only is it the most ambitious title of its kind – offering expansive single player, multiplayer, cooperative, offline, and online experiences – it does so in a way that simultaneously respects core basketball aficionados and casual hoops fans. …

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