Arrow S3.17 “Suicidal Tendencies” review

“Palmer knows I’m the Arrow?” asks Oliver, incredulous. It’s not exactly an exclusive club – by this point most of Starling seems to have the lowdown on Oliver’s dual identity – but it’s a decent enough pretext for an episode that wants to explore contrasting approaches to heroics.

Brandon Routh impresses here, finally showing the steel behind the goofy cheeseball we’ve seen for the past few weeks. Ray Palmer’s a superhero in the classic DC Comics mould – clear-eyed, pure-hearted, out for truth, justice and the American way (it’s no coincidence that the episode is peppered with oblique references to Superman, from “X-ray vision” to “supersuit”). Oliver, of course, is at the grittier, growlier end of the spandex spectrum, but by the end of the episode we’re reminded his heart is in exactly the same place as Ray’s. The moment they shake hands feels like a classic beat in a comic book team-up story.

Arrow Trivia

Green Arrow comic book writer Brad Meltzer earns yet another shout-out. This time he’s commemorated with his very own power plant in Starling City.

Not that the TV incarnation of the Atom bears all that much relation to his ink and paper counterpart. Let’s leave aside the fact that he doesn’t shrink – the entire USP of the character – and the clear echoes of Iron Man and Robocop in the armour design. It’s hard not to shake the feeling that Ray Palmer’s being written as Bruce Wayne: the idealistic one percenter with the detective smarts, able to see through everyone from Oliver to Felicity to Laurel, just like the comic book Bruce has files on the secret identities of his fellow Justice Leaguers. I’m glad the Atom’s finally on the screen – and the sight of him battling Oliver and Roy, jet thrusters blazing, injects a nice dose of spectacle – but is it too much to ask that he could be a little more like the Atom?

Still, Ray and Felicity get a good confrontation scene. It’s a relief after weeks of cloying cuteness and Routh and Emily Bett Rickards play it well.

Deadshot’s the surprise recipient of the flashbacks this week. His origin story feels a little rushed but that’s the piecemeal nature of the flashback scenes, which are never allowed to properly build through an episode. The hints of domestic abuse bring a powerful, sobering note, in stark contrast to the shiny superheroics elsewhere, and Michael Rowe exposes the tragedy of the character beneath the cocky bad boy exterior. Not so convinced by Cupid suddenly swapping her romantic allegiances – it plays like a cheap way to ensure someone can cry “Noooo!” at Deadshot’s apparent demise. Not convinced by that either, of course. He’ll be back.

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More Trivia

Senator Joseph Cray is part of the DCU. This corrupt politician first appeared in <em>Suicide Squad</em> 11 in 1988. Deadshot assassinated him. His son Adam was once recruited by Ray Palmer to assume the role of the Atom.

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Did You Spot?

&ldquo;As you might say, a hive,&rdquo; a mysterious lady tells an incarcerated Deadshot. That&rsquo;s a not-so-subtle nod to supervillainous cabal HIVE &ndash; the Hierarchy of International Vengeance and Extermination to you. Previously referenced in season two&rsquo;s &ldquo;Keep Your Enemies Closer&rdquo;, they&rsquo;ll apparently have a significant part to play in <em>Arrow</em> season four.

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Did You Also Spot?

Kasnia is a fictional Balkan country in the DCU. It&rsquo;s popped up in the <em>Justice League</em> and <em>Superman</em> cartoon shows and was also referenced in <em>Batman Beyond</em> and animated feature <em>Batman: Mystery Of The Batwoman</em>.

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Best Lines

<strong>Ray:</strong> &ldquo;Nice to meet you. Ray Palmer.&rdquo; <strong>Diggle:</strong> &ldquo;John Diggle. [<em>mutters confidentially</em>] You hurt her, they&rsquo;ll never find your body.&rdquo;

Arrow is broadcast in the UK on Sky 1 HD on Thursday nights, and in the US on Wednesday nights.

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Keto Shimizu


Jesse Warn

The one where

Diggle and Lylas honeymoon proves to be a Suicide Squad mission to Kasnia, while Ray discovers Olivers secret and aims to bring him to justice.

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