The Xbox E3 2017 press conference (opens in new tab) finally sealed the deal: original Xbox games are coming to Xbox One backwards compatibility. Supported titles will “look better and play better” on the new systems when they start to arrive later this year, according to Xbox boss Phil Spencer. The first confirmed title is Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge, a pulp-fiction air combat game that first came out in 2003.
But there are plenty more original Xbox games that we want to see get a second life on Xbox One. Here are five of them to get your dreaming started.
Jet Set Radio Future
The original Jet Set Radio got an HD remake a few years ago, but Xbox is still the only place to play Jet Set Radio Future. Let us return to the futuristic streets of Tokyo-to and enjoy that big beat soundtrack again, Microsoft!
Panzer Dragoon Orta
If Microsoft really wants to show off the improved performance of original Xbox games on Xbox One, Panzer Dragoon Orta would be perfect. Its massive foes and earthshaking battles would be all the more impressive in HD.
Brute Force
Alright, you’d be hard-pressed to call Brute Force one of the best games on original Xbox. But the four-player co-op shooter with a dang alligator man on its cover is such a hallmark of the early Xbox Live days that you pretty much have to have it.
The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay
This grim first-person adventure is still the best thing to ever come from the Riddick franchise. It’s full of surprises, from surprisingly fun bare-knuckle brawls to the origin of the “eye shine”. And it would look great on Xbox One!
Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow
One of Sam Fisher’s finest adventures remains one of the best games on Xbox. Better still, an Xbox One revival could mean a chance to take part in the excellently asymmetrical “Spies vs Mercs” mode, which set one side as Fisher-like agents and the other as first-person shooting guards.
Read our full E3 2017 schedule (opens in new tab) to make sure you don’t miss out on any announcements, and see all the videos in one place with our E3 2017 trailer roundup (opens in new tab).