The Golden Globes are known for outlandish musical numbers and, boy, last night’s ceremony didn’t disappoint as the kids of Stranger Things (opens in new tab) (and Barb!) turned it up to Eleven and cranked out a Stranger Things rap. Yes, it really is as good at it sounds.
Millie Bobbie Brown (Eleven) kicks things off with her love of Eggos (obviously) before Mike, Lucas and Dustin reveal “Barb is still alive.” Don’t play with my emotions, guys.
The Stranger Things kids rap and sing. That’s all that matters. #barbisstillalive 9, 2017
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But Barb is (kinda) back from the dead. She returns from having her life getting flipped, turned Upside Down and is surrounded by Barb clones for a dance number creepier than anything from the first season.
The rap comes from a larger musical opening number at last night’s Golden Globes but it’s clear that Eleven and the gang stole the show. Is there any chance of an upcoming rap album? Stranger things have happened…
Stranger Things season 2 (opens in new tab) is scheduled to appear on Netflix in 2017
Image: Netflix