Suicide Squad (opens in new tab) is currently undergoing reshoots (opens in new tab), but the cast took some time out to introduce a brand new trailer for the upcoming DC film at the MTV Movie Awards last night. While the first promo was soundtracked by Queen’s ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’, this new footage – which is, once again, superbly edited – is set to Sweet’s ‘Ballroom Blitz’. Check it out below…
At the very least, we can finally put that far-fetched ‘all the jokes were in the first trailer’ rumour to rest; once again, the footage is selling what looks to be a really fun film, and the actors are clearly having a ball playing these characters. No one exemplifies this more than Margot Robbie, who is easily the MVP of this promo.
Everything we’ve seen so far makes it pretty clear that Suicide Squad will be one of the most unique comic book films in the genre. If nothing else, David Ayer & co deserve kudos for giving us something a little different, and if the film is as good as it looks Warner Bros have a much needed hit on their hands. We’ll find out in a few months.
Directed by David Ayer and starring Will Smith, Margot Robbie, Jared Leto, Viola Davis, Jai Courtney, and Joel Kinnaman, Suicide Squad will open in the UK and US on August 5, 2016.
Images: Warner Bros