The Big Topic: What the hell are you doing, Nintendo?
What we’re into: Psychonauts in the Rhombus of Ruin, Slayaway Camp, and Night in the Woods
No, we didn’t skip a number. I don’t know what you’re talking about. In episode 70, we get together to chat about some games that are near and dear to our hearts this week: Psychonauts in the Rhombus of Ruin, Slayaway Camp, and Night in the Woods. We also discuss the Switch’s imminent launch, and ask that all important question: What the hell are you doing, Nintendo?
Anthony John Agnello (@ajohnagnello (opens in new tab))
David Roberts (@davidrobots (opens in new tab))
Susan Arendt (@susanarendt (opens in new tab))
Sam Prell (@samprell (opens in new tab))
Intro: “Inspiration (opens in new tab)” by BoxCat Games, used under CC 3.0 (opens in new tab)
Outro: “Forever Believe (opens in new tab)” by Jason Shaw, used under CC 3.0 (opens in new tab)
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