As the other main collectible in Metal Gear Solid 5: Ground Zeroes (opens in new tab), finding all of the cassette tapes will help to fill in the game’s backstory and will also award you with the Information Trophy/Achievement.
Some of the cassette tapes are hidden away, whereas others are unlocked by completing specific challenges, but we’ve tracked them all down to present their locations on page two of this handy guide.
Looking for more help with Metal Gear Solid 5: Ground Zeroes? We also have a XOF Patch locations guide. We can also help you with how to get D-Dog as a buddy in Metal Gear Solid 5.
Chico’s Tape 1
Mission: Intel Operative Rescue
How To Unlock: Unlocked after completing the Intel Operative Rescue mission.
Chico’s Tape 2
Mission: Ground Zeroes
How To Unlock: Enter the Administration compound and look for the tall ladder along the inner wall. Climb the ladder, then traverse along the catwalk to the watchtower. You’ll find the cassette on the desk in the watchtower.
Chico’s Tape 3
Mission: Ground Zeroes
How To Unlock: Received after rescuing Chico.
Chico’s Tape 4
Mission: Ground Zeroes
How To Unlock: After dropping off Chico in the chopper, head to the refugee camp at the west side of the map. Look for the P.O.W. lying on the ground to the right of the portaloos. Rescue the P.O.W. by taking him to the chopper. NOTE: You won’t be able to find the P.O.W. if you break the proper mission sequence and rescue Paz before you rescue Chico.
Chico’s Tape 5
Mission: Ground Zeroes
How To Unlock: Enter the Administration compound using the west entrance. Move toward the northwest corner of the compound, passing the downward staircase leading to the boiler room. Go into the alley and search the middle dumpster for the cassette. NOTE: You need to get this cassette before rescuing Chico.
Chico’s Tape 6
Mission: Eliminate the Renegade Threat
How To Unlock: Go to the Armoury, a single-story raised storage shack with a red door. It’s near the base entrance of the Ground Zeroes mission. You’ll find the cassette in one of the shack’s corners.
Chico’s Tape 7
Mission: Destroy the Anti-Air Emplacements
How To Unlock: Make your way to the bottom of the boiler room, where Paz was being held in the Ground Zeroes mission. You’ll find another prisoner there. Save the prisoner to unlock the tape.
Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes
Mission: Ground Zeroes
How To Unlock: Go to the empty cell opposite Chico’s cell to find this cassette.
Agent’s Recording
Mission: Classified Intel Acquisition
How To Unlock: Go to the central tower within the Administration compound. Note: In order to get the other tape in this mission, you need to let the camera in the tower spot you. That way, Kaz will suspect that you were set-up which will lead to another interrogation with the contact.
Classified Intel Data
Mission: Classified Intel Acquisition
How To Unlock: After getting the first tape in the mission, go back to your contact and interrogate him a few times. He’ll mention that a bald soldier on the base has the intel. You can find this bald soldier in one of the boiler rooms in the lower levels of the Administration compound.
Classified Tape
Mission: Deja Vu (PlayStation versions) / Jamais Vu (Xbox versions)
How To Unlock: Head to the east extraction point, which is along the rocky cliffs. Be sure to turn on your nightvision goggles.
Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner
Mission: All
How To Unlock: Beat all missions on Hard difficulty. It does not matter what rankings you end up with.