Game of Thrones season 7 (opens in new tab) is currently filming in Ireland, and everyone’s trying to piece together what they’ve seen on set and behind-the-scenes. Cover your eyes and click away if you don’t want any hints as to the alliances and betrayals coming, because we’re about to see where Jon Snow goes during season 7. All good? You sure you want to know? Alright then…
According to Game of Thrones fan site Los Siete Reinos (opens in new tab) (via UK news source The Independent (opens in new tab)), Snow will be riding south for the winter, and will meet up with childhood friend Theon Greyjoy. These two have some serious history, and if you believe some of the fan creations, sexual chemistry – seriously, there’s a lot of Jon/Theon fan-fiction.
Theon and Jon haven’t seen each other since the first season, and much has changed since that time. As a quick recap: Theon has been involved in two failed rebellions, and was taken prisoner by the sadistic Ramsay Bolton before helping Sansa Stark escape and join Jon in the North. He then headed back home, and pledged himself to Daenerys – you know, the girl with the dragons. In the meantime, Jon was killed (he got better), retook his home from Ramsay, and was declared King in the North.
Whether the reunion will be a friendly one or a tense one, and whether or not anyone will end up with a knife in their back… that remains to be seen.
Game of Thrones season 7 will debut in summer 2017.
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