In order to cut power to Control Panels in Fortnite you need to find them first, and this is especially difficult as they’re buried deep inside the Command Cavern POI. In fact, the Fortnite Control Panels are particularly well hidden in secret areas within the vent system, where certain Imagined Order agents have clearly been enjoying some downtime with various leisure activities away from prying eyes. We’re getting close to the end of the Resistance storyline within the Fortnite quests now, but this assignment is a tough one even when you’re given the approximate area to search, so to help you through this we’ve got all of the information on how to cut power to Control Panels in Fortnite.
Fortnite Control Panels inside Command Cavern locations
We’ve marked their locations of the three Fortnite Control Panels inside Command Cavern on the map above, but bear in mind that these are all in hidden areas within the underground base which makes this information harder to follow. We recommend you use those markers as a rough reference, then refer the directions listed below to reach the exact locations.
Cut power to Control Panel 1
For the first Fortnite Control Panel, enter Command Cavern through the main water tunnel on the north side of the base, then head west and make your way through the area of shipping containers and tents. Once through there, look for a vent to the north, just past a dumpster under a set of stairs.
Enter the vent and turn right, then go through another vent on your right to find a Fortnite Control Panel alongside a bathtub full of rubber ducks and a gold llama head mounted on the wall.
Cut power to Control Panel 2
To reach the next Fortnite Control Panel, arrive in Command Cavern through the main road entrance on the south side of the base, then look for a doorway to the west of the stairs in front of you that leads into a room full of bunk beds.
Once inside, the first bay on your right will have a vent in the back of it, so go through that and then open the vent on the left to find a Fortnite Control Panel along with a dart board, a DND game, and a console set up in the corner.
Cut power to Control Panel 3
For the third and final Fortnite Control Panel, go through the main south road entrance into Command Cavern once again, then go up the flight of stairs directly in front of you and look for a vent on the east side.
Inside the vent, follow it right then left before opening the vent on the left hand side, taking you into an area with several computer desks set up for gaming along with the last Fortnite Control Panel.
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