There’s a brand new bit of Exotic gear to be grabbed thanks to the new Destiny 2: Curse of Osiris (opens in new tab) DLC, and it’s got a different name depending on what class you are. The new Exotic gauntlets are all called Aeon something, with Titans getting Aeon Safe, Warlocks getting Aeon Soul and Hunters getting Aeon Swift. Getting them is relatively simple, as long as you’re willing to play through the new – relatively short – campaign.
The first step is actually making your way through all the story missions and beating Panoptes with a little help from Ikora’s best pal Osiris and some old fashioned poke ‘em in the eye tactics.
After you’ve done all that and tried not to tear up at that cutscene, head back to The Traveler to meet one more time with Ikora. Strangely enough she’s not mourning the fact her mentor isn’t leaving Mercury, but she does have a present for you.
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11 things I wish I knew before playing Destiny 2: Curse of Osiris (opens in new tab)
Like we said, this Exotic gift will depend on what class your Guardian is, but thankfully they all have very similar perks that involve you basically becoming part of a cult. But not in a bad way. Each one is focused on improving ties with your allies within the Aeon Cult.
With the Aeon gauntlets equipped, any Guardian who performs a specific task will give your fellow Fire Team members a buff. If Hunters dodge, Titans summon a barricade or Warlocks throw a grenade, they’ll automatically provide Titans with extra barricade energy, Warlocks with grenade energy and Hunters with dodge energy. And if all of your Fire Team members are rocking the Aeon gauntlets you can see how that buff exchange will just keep on going and going. So if you’re partial to one of Destiny 2‘s Fire Team sessions, these are the gauntlets for you. Simple!